Biometric Financial Platform
Our Biometric Financal Platform was disigned sepecifically to process transactions that originate from a biometric point of sale terminal, online voice biometrics, and online facial recognition. The platforms back office has the ability to store images such as face, customer signature, Identification, biometric print codes, and KYC documentation that is linked to the customers account profile on the system.
Governement Agencies ( Social Services)
The biometric financial platform with smart cards (Chip & PIN) allows our clients to eliminate fraud by:
Preventing duplicate enrollments on your system by flagging citizens that have an existing account. Eliminate second enrollment attempts.(ensures one account per person)
Prevents cardholders from "selling" their benefits card to others. (a biometric smart card is useless to anyone other than the intended cardholder)
Eliminate overpayment to deceased individuals by utilizing our unique electronic proof of life functionailty. (mobile and POS proof of life option)
Control social service biometric terminal distribution.
Eliminate card mag stripe skimming and stolen grant checks.
Our biometric platforms Webservice API's clearly defines functionalities that are truly independent of their respective implementations, which allows definitions and implementations to vary without compromising the interface.Our API's makes it easier for our partners to integrate or develop a program by providing all the building blocks to work with our system.
Biometric To Binary Conversion
Our Biometric Platform has a unique ability to store finger print images as a binary code on a secure database. This capability allows us to integrate with biometric partners , authenticate transactions and process them without the need to store an actual finger print image. Instead we utilize the binary representation to validate the user which is an added security benefit for banks , government agencies and other financial institutions.
Point Of Sale Transaction Processing
Our Biometric Financial Platform allows retailers, transportation services and businesses to process payments in a secure closed loop and/or open loop environment.
Back Office
Full online back office suite to upload monthly bulk deposits, access reports, view transaction activity, granting systems access, handle accounting, review global POS transaction activity, welfare / Grant administration.
Front End Online Client Portal
Front end online interface for both cardholders and merchants to access transaction history via pc or any mobile device.
Emergence of Biometric Payments
Financial technology experts are predicting that the PIN number will be obsolete within the next five years as banks turn to biometric authentication technology, such as fingerprint, vein pattern and voice recognition, according to a report by The Telegraph. Banks will encourage their customers to use biometric readers or contactless payments at retail stores and ticket terminals instead of the standard “chip and PIN” system.Several major banks, including Halifax and Barclays, have said that PINs are a “flawed” security measure that is inadequate in protecting customers against identity fraud. Banks have introduced new rules that state that customers who write down their PIN, even in disguised form, will be considered “negligent”.